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Os Contos da menina-Mulher

Quem conta um conto, acrescenta-lhe um ponto. Estes são os meus pontos sobre saúde, culinária e lifestyle. Aqui toda eu sou vírgulas, reticências e, no extremo, pontos de exclamação ou mesmo um ponto final!

Qui | 30.03.17

Poemas do "outro sítio" #6

Hoje partilho convosco um a short story, não tanto um poema.

Tenho um lado mais esotérico, mais espiritual, que já não alimento tanto, mas à epoca, escrevi sobre algo que sempre mes fascinou: a leitura de mãos.

Espero que gostem:

The lines in your hand... - 01.07.2009


... tell me... - he said with a naughty smirk in his face; as her heart raced through the perspective and the sea of possibilities.

Well... now she knows (or so she thinks) what he meant.
Not once, but twice he had hold on her soft hand and caught glimpces of her future.

"You have a very complex Love Line. It amazes me.
You'll have to wait.
You'll be the first to separate.
You'll have to get used to wanting what is not at your range. You'll want but you won't have.
And you'll have to move on."

As time goes by she comes across what he foresaw. Somedays she smiles, others she looks around in awww; others yet she feels a little bit of rebellion.

She has lost, she has gainned. She has dreamed the dreams of lucky ones. She has smilled the brightest smiles and cryed the most bitter tears.
But in the end? She sticks around... good old romantic girl.



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